Aesthetic Front Tooth Filling

In addition to eliminating the bad appearance of the person’s front teeth due to fracture or caries, anterior tooth filling, which gives very good results aesthetically, also provides an efficient chewing function for the person again. In some cases, the front teeth create a very bad image for people and begin to fail to perform their functions as before. In such cases, these teeth need to be treated.

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    Thanks to the anterior tooth filling that comes to the fore for this, people say goodbye to the bad image and also get a healthy tooth structure. When this filling is applied to a person, it must necessarily adapt to the color of the teeth. It should create the appearance of natural teeth on the person. During this filling, if there is a gap between the teeth, these gaps are closed and the Decoupled tooth image can also be put an end to.

    What is Aesthetic Front Tooth Filling?

    The steps that must be followed in this type of filling vary. How many fillings will be applied to the teeth, what size the caries or fractures are and what materials should be used varies from person to person. There are several stages of this treatment. While the person is smiling, a photo is taken and it is decided what arrangements should be made on the photo. People also follow this process closely. In order for the filling material to provide adhesion to the tooth surface, a special acid is applied to the area and retention is achieved after 15 seconds. This process is completed by washing the teeth and deacidifying them. Then, the process is carried out with the agents that will ensure adhesion and the appropriate filler type is applied.

    How is Aesthetic Anterior Tooth Filling Performed?

    If there are fractures and Decays in the teeth, if there is a gap between the two teeth, anterior tooth filling treatment is resorted to in order to eliminate these images. Several procedures are applied to the dried tooth so that the tooth and the filling material can hold together. The acidified washed area is boxed with intense air spray and penetrating adhesives are applied to the area. Under the influence of blue light, substances in the treatment area are polymerized.. The physician makes the filling with the technique he prefers. As a final procedure, the filling residues are cleaned and the tooth is polished to provide an aesthetic appearance.

    Who is Aesthetic Front Tooth Filling Applied To?

    These fillings can be applied as a result of minor or moderate caries and fractures on the front teeth. These fillings are made using composite material. These reasons are also known as composite fillings. It is a treatment that should be applied for people who want to fill the gap in the Decaying tooth for healthy functions again, repair the broken tooth structure, destroy the gap between two teeth or replace amalgam fillings. If the structure of the bruise and fracture of the person is slightly larger, then in these cases it is preferable to use different materials instead of composite. Since it is thought that the natural structure of the tooth requires more loss, it can remain in the second plan.

    Aesthetic How Long Does the Aesthetic Filling of the Front Tooth Last?

    This condition is a condition that varies depending on which area of the tooth the filling will be applied to. If there is a fracture or caries at the tip of the tooth, the filling applied to this part may be shorter in the case of consuming hard food as a result of biting and chewing functions. It is a point that varies according to the attention of the person, the use and the position of the filling in the tooth. Compared to ceramic fillings, it is seen that ceramic fillings are used for a longer period of time. In general, the minimum period of use of composite fillings is 5 years. As long as the person provides oral and dental care regularly, it is also possible for a healthy front tooth filling process to last up to 10 years.

    Aesthetic When is Anterior Dental Aesthetics Preferred?

    Due to some reasons, conditions such as decay and breakage may occur in people’s teeth. Just as these bruises and fractures are very clearly visible, it is also possible that in some cases they cannot be seen. For this reason, regular dental check-ups have an important place in people’s lives. Doctors will definitely make a diagnosis for toothaches that people cannot see with their eyes but feel. In these cases, the person may complain about a number of problems. Conditions such as a toothache that is felt at the time of eating, a toothache that does not go away for a long time, the appearance of hot-cold sensitivity, the appearance of dark spots on the tooth are conditions that require a doctor’s control.

    If the tooth in question is one of the front teeth, anterior tooth filling should be preferred to repair the caries or fracture that causes pain here. This type of filling always gives beautiful results for people both aesthetically and as a service for the purpose.

    Aesthetic Dental Filling Prices 2022

    Prices for dental treatments vary.  For the anterior tooth filling, which provides an aesthetic appearance, quality materials should be used to create a solid support. However, the manual skill of the dentist is also very important. The dentist has a great share in creating an aesthetically beautiful image. For all these reasons, filler prices also vary from doctor to doctor and from person to person.

    Is the Aesthetic Filling of the Front Tooth Obvious?

    Such fillings are no different from other teeth of the person, as they also serve an aesthetic purpose. They give the appearance of natural teeth due to the application of tooth color. They are fillings that are not obvious that they have undergone an artificial process. For these reasons, people can easily choose this filling for their front teeth, provided that it is performed by a trained physician.

    Does the Aesthetic Filling of the Front Tooth Fall Off?

    In general, fillings will not break or fall off if care is taken when consuming very hard ,crusty foods. However, in people who show the habit of squeezing teeth, the probability of falling out of the filling increases due to increased load. For such cases, caution should be exercised, hard food should not be consumed. At the same time, no hard force should be applied to the tooth. Regular and adequate oral care by the person also increases the filling usage time.

    How Long is the Life of Aesthetic Fillings?

    Although they are not very long-lasting compared to other fillings, their usage time varies from person to person. The general Decency of use is between 5-10 years. When a person regularly performs the necessary oral care, it offers long-term use opportunities.

    Does the Aesthetic Filling of the Front Tooth Hurt?

    During the filling procedure, anesthesia is applied to the person so that the feeling of treatment is not reflected. When the effect of anesthesia passes, no pain is felt. As a result, aesthetic fillings for the front teeth, just like other fillings, do not cause a feeling of pain in a person.

    Why Do We Need Aesthetic Dental Fillings?

    Almost everyone wants the process to be performed on their teeth to be unclear, and the structure applied as a result of treatment to provide an image of naturalness. While filling application is preferred for the front teeth, care is taken to ensure that it is natural in terms of shape and color tone. It is desired by people that the filling lines are not obvious and this is provided by aesthetic fillings. In aesthetic fillings, there is an indistinguishable degree of similarity between the original tooth and the fillings Decently.

    Are Aesthetic Fillings Durable?

    In previous years, it was more believed in the strength and reliability of metal fillings. It was thought that teeth repaired with metal fillings performed their functions in a healthier way. However, with the developing technologies, the material content of aesthetic fillings has also been strengthened. Even recently, aesthetic fillings have started to offer longer lasting and healthier uses compared to metal fillings. From an aesthetic point of view, this front tooth filling, which appeals to both health and the eye, is quite durable.

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