Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is the cosmetic intervention in which the different discolorations on the tooth enamel or its internal structure are removed with appropriate treatments. In this treatment technique, the patient’s own tooth color is used. Genetically, the patient’s tooth color may not be completely white. With the applied treatment, it is aimed to lighten this color by at least 2 tones.

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    Contrary to popular belief, more than one method can be applied in teeth whitening treatment. Which method to use is decided by looking at the existing teeth structure and skin tone of the patient.


    What is Teeth Whitening?

    Bleaching can be used in various stages while designing an aesthetic smile. It is the most common teeth whitening treatment performed by both men and women in recent years. It can be an alone treatment. Anyone who wants to have an aesthetic smile can benefit from this treatment.


    How is Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Performed?

    In general, the treatment is applied in 2 different areas as internal whitening and external whitening. The dentist decides which layers to whiten according to the tooth structure and skin tone of the patient. In the first stage, tartar cleaning is done to remove all the stains. The teeth are now prepared for the whitening process. The outer part of the tooth is polished. Then the tooth tone is observed. Photographs are taken and the patient’s consent is obtained. If the patient approves the decided tooth tone, a whitening agent is applied on the tooth by the doctor. The method preferred by the dentist can be whitening with light, heat or laser. The average processing time is 45 minutes. On the same day, 2 or 3 sessions of 15-20 minutes can be applied.


    Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Methods

    Three different techniques are used: home bleaching, office bleaching and combined bleaching. Processing with specially prepared whitening plates is called home bleaching. There are gels containing active ingredients in the plaque. This plaque usually stays on the teeth for an average of eight to ten hours, to be worn at night and removed in the morning. In order to achieve the desired whiteness level, it should be applied as frequently as recommended by your doctor. Laser treatment and different heat and light sources are used in the teeth whitening technique in the dentist’s office. The whitening gel applied on the tooth enamel is activated by laser beams or other activating factors.

    Treatment time is an average of one hour. Excellent results are obtained in a single session. In the combined teeth whitening treatment, it can be supported by the home treatment method after the procedure is performed in the clinic. Office type whitening is more practical and effective in terms of application.

    Are There Any Side Effects of Teeth Bleaching?

    Some of the gels used for treatment may cause abrasions on the surface of the teeth. These abrasions are minimal. Sensitivity may occur when consuming hot and cold beverages. This sensitivity goes away on its own within twenty-four hours. If it does not pass, it is necessary to be examined by the dentist who performed the procedure. As a result of research, it has been seen that the whitening treatment does not have any serious side effects.


    What are the Side Effects of Teeth Whitening (Bleaching)?

    It does not have any side effects as long as it is applied by an experienced dentist using appropriate techniques. If we list the side effects that can be seen, albeit rare:

    • Decreased hardness of tooth enamel.
    • Sensitivity development in tooth enamel.
    • The whitening gel touches the gums, cheeks and lip tissues and creates a burn.
    • Occurrence of opaque appearance due to excessive water loss in the teeth.

    The likelihood of these side effects listed is very low, depending on the practitioner. Dehydration passes in about a week, and the teeth regain the water they lost. The opaque image becomes transparent and bright with the recovery of water. Graying of the tooth color may occur due to the inappropriate gel used or due to some tooth structures. Before the procedure, our patients are informed about all possibilities.


    Why is Teeth Whitening Needed?

    Teeth whitening treatment is applied in order to eliminate the lack of self-confidence in the patient as a result of genetically having yellow tones and gray tooth color or the need for a smile design due to the fact that the color of the teeth is darkened by the frequent consumption of products such as cigarettes, tea and coffee, or for aesthetic concerns. Smile design treatment, which has become fashionable in recent years, consists of different treatments. When it comes to smile design, the first thing that comes to mind is the acquisition of white teeth. Today, when aesthetic concerns surface, the most important part of facial aesthetics is the teeth and mouth structure.

    No matter how smooth the tooth shape is, as long as the tooth color is dark, an aesthetic appearance cannot be mentioned. For this reason, those who are not happy with their tooth color and want to have whiter teeth can benefit from teeth whitening treatment.


    Does Sensitivity Occur After Teeth Bleaching?

    Minimal processes are applied to the surface of the teeth in the procedures for whitening. With light pressures, superficial plaques are removed and the color tone is adjusted. It is ensured that the enamel layer is not thinned after the procedure. Sensitivity in the first 24 hours is normal. At the end of this period, the sensitivity problem disappears. In addition, the biggest misconception about teeth whitening treatment is that the sensitivity problem is permanent. Before the procedure, our doctors will give detailed information.


    Does Bleaching Damage Tooth Structure?

    Tooth enamel is genetically durable and not easily eroded. Its structure does not deteriorate easily as a result of superficial treatments such as bleaching treatment. You may not be able to decide whether you want to have a whitening procedure or not because you are afraid that the tooth structure will deteriorate, such damage does not occur easily thanks to the use of the right technique by an experienced dentist.

    How Teeth Lose Their Whiteness (Bleaching)?

    The outermost layer of the tooth contains the enamel layer. This layer is not a smooth and whole layer as we can see. When examined microscopically, it is a perforated and rough layer. Cigarettes, tea, coffee and other colored foods that are consumed enter between the holes of this enamel layer. If adequate cleaning and care is not applied, the color of the tooth surface darkens over time. Color changes that are not intervened in the early period cannot be removed with brushing technique alone. Dark circles that reach the inner layer of the tooth can be removed with techniques such as laser beams.


    Teeth Whitening Centers


    In recent years, the number of institutions providing whitening treatment services has multiplied as a result of increasing demands. The increase in the number of clinics has led to a decrease in the quality of service. The choice of treatment center should be made correctly by doing detailed research. It is not enough to be a quality clinic, the education and experience levels of the working dentists should also be questioned. If you trust the dentist, you can have teeth whitening treatment.


    Teeth Whitening (Bleaching)

    Physicians who are experts in their field know very well the need of the tooth and the right materials required for the teeth structure. Therefore, it protects the health of dental tissues while cleaning and whitening teeth.

    Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Prices 2022

    The treatment facilities, the instruments they use and the experience of the dentist are different from each other. Therefore, the treatment fees are not the same. The number of sessions of the whitening process, the reputation of the dentist in this field, the quality of the products used, the number of personnel required for the procedure, the degree of plaque present on the patient’s teeth surface and market values ​​are taken into consideration. In order to have a permanently white teeth appearance for many years, you should choose clinics that offer quality service. Previous treatment results of the clinic should be examined and the comments of former patients should be evaluated. As long as you pay attention to these criteria we have listed, you can have a quality teeth whitening treatment.