Bruxism Treatment

Bruxism is the case of involuntary and frequent teeth grinding and clenching. When it turns into a habit, it is hard to cure because it is involuntary. It is a condition which is not very noticeable at first, however, when it is noticed, your dentist can control it, and can be stopped before it causes much harm. If it is not noticed, it usually begins to manifest itself with morning pains in the jaws. In advanced cases, the chewing surfaces of the teeth are worn, and over time, it reaches the lower base of the tooth, which we call dentin. The progression of this situation is very inconvenient for the teeth. Exposure of the dentin layer leads to the loss of the protective layer of the teeth; changes to the color of the teeth,  deformities, fractures and loss of the tooth.

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    The first-stage treatments are the simplest:


    Night Guards

    By using transparent guards especially made for your teeth, tooth surfaces are protected from movements. In some cases, muscles are also treated with thicker guards. 


    People with strong chewing muscles can be treated with botox to prevent their muscles from contracting unintentionally. It is a very effective treatment.


    It is a method that is very successful in the treatment of muscle pain and edema, it is often used in combination with other treatments. It is also helpful in cases studied in collaboration with psychiatry.


    In very advanced cases, if temporomandibular joint defects are in the equation, treatment can be combined with physiotherapy.